Homeowners may find themselves in a situation that leaves them wondering how to get rid of ground bees, especially if they have a garden or yard.

Here are several methods you can apply to rid your grounds of bees safely and effectively.

However, it is essential first to understand these little creatures. What are they, and where are they found? What impact do they have on your garden, and how do you get rid of ground bees yourself?


  • What Type of Ground Bees Is Harmful to Your Garden (and You)?
  • How to Spot An Underground Nest
  • How to Get Rid Of Them?
    • Natural methods
    • Chemical solutions
  • When to Get Rid of Ground Bees?
  • Step by Step Guide
    • Step 1: Identify the nesting grounds
    • Step 2: Pick an extermination method.
    • Step 3: Apply the treatment.
  • When Should You Hire A Professional for Ground Bee Removal?
  • Take Away

What Type of Ground Bees Is Harmful to Your Garden (and You)?

What Type of Ground Bees Is Harmful to Your Garden (and You)?

Bees are an essential component of the ecosystem. They aerate your yard and are avid pollinators. Several varieties are considered ground bees, including:

  • Mining bees
  • Masons
  • Sweat bees
  • Blueberry bees
  • Leafcutters

The distinguishing factor is their preferred habitat. Most honey bee species make waxy hives on structures like branches and fallen tree trunks, while ground bees live in underground tunnels.

But when they encroach on your living or working space, you may have to get rid of them. Sweat bees are the most annoying of the bunch because, as the name suggests, they are attracted to sweat and will buzz around you if they infest your yard.

How to Spot An Underground Nest

How to Spot An Underground Nest

Species of bees that nest and rest underneath the ground have isolated habitats or live in social colonies. For instance, bumblebees are colonial and are found in swarms, but you will often spot a solitary ground bee.

The first thing you should be on the lookout for is anything indicating the presence of ground bees in your garden. Typically, a couple of bees buzzing around the compound or hovering over a specific spot of the ground would strongly suggest a nest.

Ground bees prefer areas with loose soil. Thus, places with anthills and mounds could be hotspots. Another critical difference between bumblebees and ground bees is that the latter excavates new homes each time they move; bumblebees will use burrows abandoned by rodents like rabbits and field rats.

Remember, if you spot multiple bees flying low and using a single hole to go into the ground, you are dealing with a colony. Therefore, you have to exercise extreme caution. And note that although ground bees are non-threatening, the females have a stinger and are ever prepared to defend their eggs and homes.

After you understand the scope of what you're dealing with, you can begin looking at how to get rid of ground bees.

How to Get Rid Of Them?

Natural methods

The best natural method is ensuring the ground is damp to discourage the grounding bees from nesting. You can also cover the entrance to the underground nest. You can pour soil or stones to block the bees access to their eggs.

Since bees are attracted to sugary things, you can trap them in bottles. Just fill a bottle halfway with syrup or soda. The ground bees will fly into the bottle and drown.

Strong-smelling scents from plants like cucumbers, cinnamon, and peppermint are natural deterrents. Sprinkling cinnamon on the holes will discourage the ground bees from building a nest on your grounds. Or consider simple DIY sprays like the vinegar spray made from mixing equal parts water and vinegar.

Chemical solutions

Also available are top-quality pesticides that you can purchase from gardening or household stores. These pesticides are available in various forms, such as sprays, dust powders, and liquid form.

Avoid putting the chemicals directly into the entry holes as they might be toxic to the plants and soil. Also, use the appropriate protective gear to protect against accidents.

When to Get Rid of Ground Bees?

If you have children or pets who love playing in the yard, you should get rid of burrowing bees. This helps to minimize the chances of anyone developing an allergic reaction after getting stung.

Ground bees nest during spring. They are occasional visitors, and you may only see them within that season. Spring is, therefore, an opportune time to rid your grounds of bees.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Identify the nesting grounds

You have to be sure that you are dealing with bees and not another critter like wasps. Utilize the techniques mentioned above to help you spot potential nesting grounds.

Remember, bees that burrow will prefer dry to damp soil, so look for mounds with loose soil concealing little holes on the ground's surface.

Step 2: Pick an extermination method.

Out of the numerous options available in the market, select one suitable method that works for you. You can support the Go Green movement and opt for the least toxic pest control solution.

There are numerous natural alternatives like watering and planting aromatic herbs and plants like eucalyptus and garlic. You can also make your pest repellant sprays at home to cut costs.

Step 3: Apply the treatment.

Ensure you are familiar with the right way to apply the extermination solution you choose. For instance, eco-friendly pesticides are applied around the entrance of the little burrow for maximum effect.

After you use the treatment, be a bit patient. It may take a couple of days for the ground bees to clear out.

When Should You Hire A Professional for Ground Bee Removal?

When Should You Hire A Professional for Ground Bee Removal?

Take, say, you spot a nesting ground of bees near your living space but have no clue what to do or where to begin. You have tried searching online to get rid of ground bees, but you still lack the confidence to carry out the extermination via DIY.

Maybe the resources you require to carry out the job are unavailable or costly. Most people are faced with time constraints, which makes it challenging to perform the task yourself.

If you are faced with any of the above issues, it may be time to call in the professionals. There are tons of pest control companies you can hire. Expert pest controllers have the necessary experience and required tools to guarantee the safe removal of ground bees.

They are also well-updated on the most effective methods to kreep your yard bee-free.

Take Away

Burrowing bees are important to the ecosystem. However, if they are a nuisance, consider learning how to get rid of ground bees may be a viable solution. As soon as you identify a nest, pick a preferred bee control solution, apply it, and wait for the ground bees to clear away.